Background Searches

Background Searches include:

Background Check Services 

American Diagnostics performs a wide range of employment, tenant screening and driving record background checks to help confirm your candidates’ qualifications, ensure a safe work environment, and protect your intellectual property. American Diagnostics Seattle offers an easy to use, reliable and the most current quality employment and landlord background check service that allows us to conduct background investigations and report them directly to your business, in a fast, yet efficient manner. Uncover important up-to-date information about potential employees or tenants from our national information database and background check services.

Searches Offered


  • Credit Search
  • Identity Searches
  • Investigative Searches
  • Verification Searches
  • Credential Searches
  • Other Searches Available


Background Searches Descriptions:

Credit Search: Credit checks only on applicants who are working in financial institutions, who will be handling company money or finances, or who will be working in a position where there is potential to commit fraud. An onsite inspection is required for all companies requesting to pull this sensitive information. The credit report information such as civil judgments, tax liens, bankruptcies, credit and payment history, as well as collections records are provided. A credit score is not available through this search.

State Criminal: A search is conducted across all county courts for all felony and misdemeanor convictions that have occurred within a specified state, during the time period requested. Results are based upon data recorded by the specific state. Not offered by every state. Some states require a signed state specific release form or Notarized State Form and or additional information from the candidate prior to releasing recorded information.

Federal Criminal: Reports crimes prosecuted at a federal level. Federal crimes will not appear in state or county record searches.

Canadian Criminal: Canadian Criminal Record check, checks the RCMP CPIC and local databases.

Nationwide Search: Our Nationwide Search Contains SSN trace/address history information, alias search, sex offender as well as a national criminal check. The Social Security Number trace uses the SSN to obtain address history information as well as alias and former names. The information provided by the SSN trace feeds those name variations and alias’ into the National Criminal Search populating records provided by hundreds of databases from every state in the United States.

Eviction Records: Tenant screening is a process used primarily by residential landlords and property managers to evaluate tenants eviction records.

County Criminal: The County Criminal Record Search is utilized to verify potential criminal records found by the nationwide search, or to back fill counties/jurisdictions that do not make record information digitally available. The address history is used to determine which jurisdictions need to be searched.

Employment & DOT Verification: Verifies previous employment provided by the applicant. Verified directly through an individual’s previous employer and/or various other employment database services. Each employer you verify is ordered as a separate search, and information can range from basic employment information to DOT Employment Verifications.

  • Verifies employment history information from past employers
  • Gathers DOT required drug and alcohol history information

Personal References: Contact Personal/Professional references by phone or email, and the questions asked are configurable within our system to adhere to your company’s individual requirements. Each reference is verified as an individual search.

Professional Reference: Professional references by phone or email, and the questions asked are configurable within our system to adhere to your company’s individual requirements. Each reference is verified as an individual search.

Education Verification: Verify the education history of your applicant with this Background Searches service. Each educational institution is verified individually as a single search. Information obtained can include the dates of attendance, date of graduation, degree, major, and GPA. International educational institutions can be verified at a higher cost.

Driving Records: Driving record information is obtained from the state of origin electronically, with results populating within minutes for most states. This search provides license validity, suspensions, and driving violations depending on the state in question, with the information provided adhering to each state’s specifications.

American Diagnostics can perform all types of background searches, please call or ask if you can’t find the search you are looking for. Our professional staff would be happy to help.

Call us today at 206.762.4456 or Run Background Check Now!